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Appropriate Replies To "Jesus Loves You"

Best Ways To Respond And Reply To Somebody If They Say “Jesus Loves You” (Be Sure To Smile When You Respond)

  • Yes, I love him too.

  • Thank you.

  • Yes, I know because I am a Christian.

  • Thank you I really needed to hear that today!

  • Thank you, it was very kind of you to remind me.

  • Amen.

  • God bless you.

  • Hallelujah.

  • And you too.

  • Jesus loves you too.

  • That is nice of you to say.

  • That is really cool.

  • Thank you but what makes you think He loves me?

  • Thank you but how can I know he truly does?

  • Thank you but I don’t believe in Jesus.

  • Thank you but I don’t believe in God.

  • Thank you but I don’t believe Jesus is God.

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